About us

Garbo Construction is a top-tier construction company based in Houston Texas that offers a complete range of services, from custom architectural design to construction and quality review. With our one-stop approach, we simplify the design-build phase, saving you time and money.

Since 2005, our team has built millions of square feet of custom-built projects, including industrial warehouses, commercial plazas, retail spaces, renovations of old warehouses, and other types of commercial buildings. We have always insisted on providing our clients with the highest quality workmanship, complete customer satisfaction, and total professionalism.

Why us?

We are equipped with the latest construction tools and machines, ensuring that every project is completed to the highest standards. At Garbo Construction, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail, outstanding customer service, and commitment to meeting our client’s needs.

Our Mission

It is our mission and goal to help you achieve your next big dream. Together, let’s build the future!
